I LOVE PSYCHology! But you would never know it, when you read my bio
on this web site. Listen, most people are going into the helping fields
with the wrong intentions and the wrong agenda. I would have choosen
psychology as a field if it was represented by more people who agree
with Dostoevski who say, "there is only one thing I dread, not to be
worthy of my sufferings." In fact I chant this to myself each day when I
am cleaning saliva off my glasses. Come to the office and see!! The
Helping fields …This is medicine, dentistry, psychology, teaching,
politics, maybe clergy or rabbi (but I must be careful there). Religion
for me stands for VALUES… and that alone – represents something we
REALLY need today more than ever. I love to question and re-calculate
and re-consider what I do everyday. I absolutely refuse to be like
everyone else who chooses the helping fields and chooses to be the
dentist. And so I ponder each day what I am doing that is becoming
complacent or self aggrandizing or secretly done so as to increase a
feeling of inner self worth. I don't want to fix people… I want to
create an atmosphere to help people so that they may find themselves
already "fixed." I don't want to ever say - that I loved the words, "I
told you so." Please don't let me say these words. I am a messenger
committed by the love for what I do and NOT an all knowing god of
dentistry. I am more concerned actually with emotions and much less with
"Pure Reason." …pure dentist reason and knowing. And emotions set the
stage for a person with a clear mind to make great decisions and possess
true intuitive understanding. Emotions bring us to children… and for me
children and the child in every adult is what I think we all should
live for!!
If I could choose a branch of psychology I would go into
developmental psychology, and if you visit my web site you will see Fred
Rogers quotes pasted everywhere. He is beyond hero. He is in my mind
the most beautiful celebrity mind - inside and out… that I can recall in
my lifetime. I am crazy about child development. I am crazy about
children in general. The highest form of spiritual development includes
becoming MORE childlike!! So why didn't I go into pediatric dentistry?
If I did… I would just talk all day about what I love – probably - and
never get anything done. I would not be able to pay bills. Speaking of
not getting anything done. Besides the adults …the ones we work with
every day… are just children with more experiences.
Orange Dental is a busy office. Busy is good! Most know this
intuitively, because at Orange Dental when you don't get seen for some
time… people tend to give me 2nd and 3rd and 4th chances. I know this
because I am still doing what I love and still employed as dentist and
people still come back. Un-believable. Think about when you go to your
favorite restaurant. When there is a line out the door, I know the food
will be great and service even better!! On the slow days watch out. You
can't get help if you holler for it. Food takes somehow 3 times longer
to prepare… and delivered improperly seasoned, cold or overcooked. This
applies at Orange Dental… in fact if I'm not busy I am not properly
warmed up. Its counter intuitive, but when I am running hard THEN I am
always running better. Better form. Better style - Better technique -
And greatest energy!! So if you haven't seen the dentist… please stop
worrying… and remember MOTIVATION comes AFTER action. Go take care of
yourself and go take care of your values.
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