Washing down sugary breakfast cereal with milk after eating reduces
plaque acid levels and may prevent damage to tooth enamel that leads to
cavities, according to new research at the University of Illinois at
Chicago College of Dentistry.
The research is published in the July issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association.
Reports have shown that eating carbohydrates four times daily, or in
quantities greater than 60 grams per person per day, increases the risk
of cavities.
The new study, performed by Wu's former graduate student Shilpa
Naval, involved 20 adults eating 20 grams of dry Froot Loops cereal,
then drinking different beverages—whole milk, 100 percent apple juice,
or tap water.
Plaque pH, or acidity, was measured with a touch microelectrode
between the premolar teeth before eating; at two and five minutes after
eating; and then two to 30 minutes after drinking a liquid.
The pH in plaque dropped rapidly after consuming cereal alone, and
remained acidic at pH 5.83 at 30 minutes. A pH below 7 is acidic; a pH
greater than 7 is basic. Pure water has a pH close to 7.
Participants who drank milk after eating sugary cereal showed the
highest pH rise, from 5.75 to 6.48 at 30 minutes. Those who drank apple juice remained at pH 5.84 at 30 minutes, while water raised the pH to 6.02.
Fruit juices are considered healthy food choices, but the added sugar can be a risk to dental health, Wu said.
"Our study results show that only milk was able to reduce acidity of
dental plaque resulting from consuming sugary Froot Loops," said Naval,
who is currently a fellow at the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention in Atlanta. "We believe that milk helped mitigate the
damaging effect of fermentable carbohydrate and overcome the previously
lowered plaque pH."
Milk, with a pH ranging from 6.4 to 6.7, is considered to be a
functional food that fights cavities because it promotes tooth
remineralization and inhibits the growth of plaque, Wu said.
Wu says most consumers think that since milk is considered to be
cavity-fighting, acid production by plaque bacteria can be minimized by
mixing it with cereal. However, in an unpublished study in her lab, it
was discovered that the combination of Froot Loops and milk became
syrupy. Eating cereal combined with milk lowered plaque pH to levels
similar to that obtained after rinsing with a 10 percent sugar solution.
Eating sugar-added cereal with milk, followed by drinking fruit juice is thus a highly cavity-causing combination, Wu said.
Diet plays an important role in oral health, Wu said. Studies of food
intake and cavities have focused mainly on the sugar, or carbohydrate,
content. Fewer studies have looked at how combinations of food, and the
order in which they are eaten, may help fight cavities.
"Results from a previous study suggested that the last food item
consumed exerts the greatest influence on subsequent plaque pH," she
said. For example, eating cheese after a sugary meal reduces acid
production, and consumers can modify their diet in such a way as to
prevent the cavity-causing effects of sugary foods."
"If understood and implemented properly, food sequencing can be used
as a public health educational tool to maintain and preserve good oral
health," said Naval.
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